Gaffatape and Steel, Kunstgarten Graz 2018
Does the cow stand for the disregard of nature, which is also followed by weather caprices, which such images follow, is it a cow that is milked to death? Is it the abundance, is it the need?
Is it the carelessness or simply malice?
The BlamesKALBture
Mixed Media Graz 2016
Blame is movable, you can finde it outside, within or between spaces.
Blame has many shapes, so does the cowfoxhorse.
Blame seems to be a trojan at first but with interactive participation it can be turned
into a non-violent resistance. Hail to Airbags.
Forum Stadtpark, Bordsteinschwalbe Schmiedgasse Graz, Weiz 2017-18
Four Helium Baloons
Urban Space near an Animal Farm in Styria, Weiz 2016
Alominium Wire(100m) and Lack
with Laurids Steininger and Georg Lanner
Grieskram 2017
5 Jahre Kunst off/space
Q-Stoi, ehem. Bauernhof Majer, Quellenweg 9 Fronleoten Steiermark 2016
mit Vasil Angelov (Sofia, Bulgarien), Stefan Kreiger (Salzburg) und Martin Maierl (Frohnleiten)
Q-Stoi, ehem. Bauernhof Majer, Quellenweg 9 Fronleoten Steiermark 2016
mit Vasil Angelov (Sofia, Bulgarien), Stefan Kreiger (Salzburg) und Martin Maierl (Frohnleiten)