GIF – Grazer Impro Fest – Edition no. 2
26. 8. - 1. 9. 2024, Schaumbad Graz
GIF 23
Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus Graz is once again opening its doors to the unplanned: the second Graz Impro Fest welcomes you. For seven days, the venue and the surrounding nature will be given over to artists, collectives and the uninitiated. Everyone is invited to join in, listen, drop by or simply be there. There are no boundaries, only barriers at the learned limits between performance and audience.
And to ensure that the boundaries really do stay out of the way, diversity spreads - and not just in origami, Skating, making music and AI go together just as well as utopia and cooking. Because magic is created by doing and doing nothing together anyway. There is enough space for both loud and quiet sharing. Speaking of which: nothing beats party partycipation. We also do celebrate together, and in a really improvised way.
Artists and Initiatives:
Andreas Haas, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Annemarie Adam, Annette Giesriegl, Bernadette Laimbauer, Catrin Manoli a.k.a. Cooky, Christof Neugebauer, Christopher A. Williams, Clementine Gasser, Daniele Formica, Denovaire, Edith Steyer, Georg Wissa, Gerhard Hammerl, Hamzeh Hassan, Hanna Magdalena Gödl, Heinrich von Kalnein, Ivar Roban Križić, Jaka Šimenc, Jan Samson Krizanic, Josip Maršić, Katja Legin, Kellen Mills, Kenji Herbert, Keyvan Paydar, Lan Štokelj Wu, Lilly Jagl, Lluís Martinez, Maggie Nicols, Martin Peter Bous, Mascha Illich, Mia Dyberg, Moritz Barnard, Nick Acorne, Oskar Kandare, Patrick Wurzwallner, Peter Rauch, René Corvaia-Koch, Sabine Thaller, Sharhrzad Nazarpour, Simon Turnšek, Thomas Klanner, Vida Vojić, Vojta, Drnek Café Witch, Das Rollfahrtkommando, Dronišnica, Evil Joe, GIK – Grazer Impro Klub, Jugend am Werk, Origami, Polycrisis, Radio Helsinki, Verein DUM (Društvo Umetnikov)
STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra:
Jean-Baptiste Russeau, Christoph Wundrak, Alfred Lang, Alvarro Vallejo Larre, Oskar Mörth, Ana Ostojcic, Dominik Kreuzer, Reinhard Ziegerhofer, Anna Grenzner, Hana Kuncic, Robert Lepenik, Richard Herbst, Yvonne Hofmeister, Harald Hofmeister
Curators: Keyvan Paydar, Annette Giesriegl
Sounddesign: Denovaire, Lightdesign: Tolga Balci
Grafik: Lukas Diemling
Foto Galleries: No. 1 Peter Gratz, No. 2 Mara Koschar, No. 3 Angie Livancic
26. 8. - 1. 9. 2024, Schaumbad Graz
GIF 23
Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus Graz is once again opening its doors to the unplanned: the second Graz Impro Fest welcomes you. For seven days, the venue and the surrounding nature will be given over to artists, collectives and the uninitiated. Everyone is invited to join in, listen, drop by or simply be there. There are no boundaries, only barriers at the learned limits between performance and audience.
And to ensure that the boundaries really do stay out of the way, diversity spreads - and not just in origami, Skating, making music and AI go together just as well as utopia and cooking. Because magic is created by doing and doing nothing together anyway. There is enough space for both loud and quiet sharing. Speaking of which: nothing beats party partycipation. We also do celebrate together, and in a really improvised way.
Artists and Initiatives:
Andreas Haas, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Annemarie Adam, Annette Giesriegl, Bernadette Laimbauer, Catrin Manoli a.k.a. Cooky, Christof Neugebauer, Christopher A. Williams, Clementine Gasser, Daniele Formica, Denovaire, Edith Steyer, Georg Wissa, Gerhard Hammerl, Hamzeh Hassan, Hanna Magdalena Gödl, Heinrich von Kalnein, Ivar Roban Križić, Jaka Šimenc, Jan Samson Krizanic, Josip Maršić, Katja Legin, Kellen Mills, Kenji Herbert, Keyvan Paydar, Lan Štokelj Wu, Lilly Jagl, Lluís Martinez, Maggie Nicols, Martin Peter Bous, Mascha Illich, Mia Dyberg, Moritz Barnard, Nick Acorne, Oskar Kandare, Patrick Wurzwallner, Peter Rauch, René Corvaia-Koch, Sabine Thaller, Sharhrzad Nazarpour, Simon Turnšek, Thomas Klanner, Vida Vojić, Vojta, Drnek Café Witch, Das Rollfahrtkommando, Dronišnica, Evil Joe, GIK – Grazer Impro Klub, Jugend am Werk, Origami, Polycrisis, Radio Helsinki, Verein DUM (Društvo Umetnikov)
STIO - Styrian Improvisers Orchestra:
Jean-Baptiste Russeau, Christoph Wundrak, Alfred Lang, Alvarro Vallejo Larre, Oskar Mörth, Ana Ostojcic, Dominik Kreuzer, Reinhard Ziegerhofer, Anna Grenzner, Hana Kuncic, Robert Lepenik, Richard Herbst, Yvonne Hofmeister, Harald Hofmeister
Curators: Keyvan Paydar, Annette Giesriegl
Sounddesign: Denovaire, Lightdesign: Tolga Balci
Grafik: Lukas Diemling
Foto Galleries: No. 1 Peter Gratz, No. 2 Mara Koschar, No. 3 Angie Livancic
GIF – Grazer Impro Fest – Edition no 2
Das Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz öffnet erneut seine Tore für das Ungeplante: Das zweite Grazer Impro Fest erwartet euch. Sieben Tage lang wird Haus und Natur für Künstler:innen, Kollektive und Neugierige freigeräumt. Alle sind eingeladen, mitzuklingen, zuzuhören, vorbeizuschauen oder einfach dort zu sein. Es gibt keine Grenzen, höchstens Perforationen an den erlernten Schwellen zwischen Performance und Publikum.
Und damit die Grenzen auch wirklich fernbleiben, breitet sich das Vielfältige aus – nicht nur beim Origami. Skaten, Musizieren und KI passen genauso zusammen wie Utopie und Kochen. Denn die Magic entsteht sowieso im gemeinsamen Tun und Nichtstun. Es ist genug Platz für laute wie auch stille Teilhabe. Apropos: Nichts geht über Partyzipation. Auch gefeiert wird gemeinsam, und zwar richtig schön improvisiert.
Teilnehmende Künstler:innen und Initiativen:
Andreas Haas, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Annemarie Adam, Annette Giesriegl, Bernadette Laimbauer, Catrin Manoli a.k.a. Cooky, Christof Neugebauer, Christopher A. Williams, Clementine Gasser, Daniele Formica, Denovaire, Edith Steyer, Georg Wissa, Gerhard Hammerl, Hamzeh Hassan, Hanna Magdalena Gödl, Heinrich von Kalnein, Ivar Roban Križić, Jaka Šimenc, Jan Samson Krizanic, Josip Maršić, Katja Legin, Kellen Mills, Kenji Herbert, Keyvan Paydar, Lan Štokelj Wu, Lilly Jagl, Lluís Martinez, Maggie Nicols, Martin Peter Bous, Mascha Illich, Mia Dyberg, Moritz Barnard, Nick Acorne, Oskar Kandare, Patrick Wurzwallner, Peter Rauch, René Corvaia-Koch, Sabine Thaller, Sharhrzad Nazarpour, Simon Turnšek, Thomas Klanner, Vida Vojić, Vojta, Drnek Café Witch, Das Rollfahrtkommando, Dronišnica, Evil Joe, GIK – Grazer Impro Klub, Jugend am Werk, Origami, Polycrisis, Radio Helsinki, STIO – Styrian Improvisers Orchestra, Verein DUM (Društvo Umetnikov)
Kuration: Keyvan Paydar, Annette Giesriegl
Klangregie: Denovaire, Licht: Tolga Balci
Grafik: Lukas Diemling
MO, 26.08.2024
16:00 EXHIBITION: Oberdeck #16 – Christof Neugebauer – „Maskarons“ oder „Das apotropäische Spiegelbild“
18:00 PERFORMANCE Daniele Formica (St.A.i.R) – „Looking trough the skin of a Cherry“
19:00 OPENING CONCERT: „ORIGAMI“ – visuell/performative Improvisationsstudie
21:00 CONCERT GIK: Special Guest: Mia Dyberg (sax) kuratiert von Patrick Wurzwallner (drums) danach freie Session
DI, 27.08.2024
16:00 LECTURE: Ivar Krizic – K.I. und Improvisation, Extending an Instrument
18:00 WORKSHOP: Cooky a.k.a. Catrin Manoli – „Skate or Cry“ – Piezomikrofone löten und shredden gehen!
20:00 GATHERING: Lluís Martinez – „I´m no astronaut“
MI, 28.08.2024
17:00 LECTURE: Annette Giesriegl – Der “freie” Raum, eine interaktive Lecture zu Freiheit in Bezug auf open Improvsessions wie das „Gathering“
18:30 WORKSHOP: Martin Bous – „Resonance and Motion“
20:00 GATHERING: Café Witch – „Body and Voice“
DO, 29.08.2024
16:00 LECTURE: Christopher A. Williams – „Improvising Music from/with nothing: myths, realities, and the washtub bass“
17:30 WORKSHOP: Denovaire – „UTOPIA“ (Anmeldung unter
20:30 GATHERING: Bernadette Laimbauer – „Labour Leisure Pleasure Pressure“
FR, 30.08.2024
17:00 EXHIBITION: Oberdeck #17: Jugend am Werk
19:00 CONCERT: Clementine Gasser (cello), Nick Acorne (elec)
20:00 CONCERT: „Polycrisis“, Jan Krizanic (dr), Kenji Herbert (git), Heinrich v. Kalnein (sax)
21:00 CONCERT: „Evil Joe“, Edith Steyer (clar), Vojta Drnek (acc), Kellen Mills (git)
SA, 31.08.2024
19:00 CONCERT: STIO – Styrian Improvisers Orchestra feat. Maggie Nicols
20:30 PERFORMANCE: „Poli-klo-tische, Tanz with a little bit of Bullshit von Shahrzad Nazarpour“
21:30 AUDIO/VISUAL NOISE: „Dronišnica“ – Lan Štokelj Wu (mod. synth.), Simon Turnšek (mod. synth.), Oskar Kandare (vis.)
SO, 01.09.2024
11:00 LECTURE: ART BRUNCH #89: Maggie Nicols – Interview & Buchpräsentation
15:00 WORKSHOP: Mascha Illich – D.I.Y. Synths mit C.V. Input (30 € Workshop Anmeldung)
17:00 Closing Session and Results of the Week
Prozesshafte Ambitionen
Surf City: das Rollfahrtkommando, (Rollin´) ganze Woche von 15 bis 20 Uhr
Jugend am Werk:-Mal-aktion (Workin´) von Di. bis Fr. von 09 bis 15 Uhr
Hamzeh Hassan: (Cookin´) ganze Woche von 11 bis 15 Uhr
Radio Helsinki: (Streamin´) Täglich begleitend zum Programm
Early Bird Pass € 25 bis 16. August
Weekpass: 30 €
Pro Abend: 7 €
Anmeldefrist für die Workshops bis 20.08.2024
unter [email protected]
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz is once again opening its doors to the unplanned: the second Graz Impro Fest awaits you. For seven days, the house and nature will be cleared for artists, collectives and the curious. Everyone is invited to join in, listen, drop by or simply be there. There are no boundaries, only perforations at the learned thresholds between performance and audience. And to ensure that the boundaries really do stay out of the way, diversity spreads – and not just in origami. Skating, making music and AI go together just as well as utopia and cooking. Because magic is created by doing and doing nothing together anyway. There is enough space for both loud and quiet participation. Speaking of which: nothing beats party participation. We also celebrate together, and in a really improvised way.
MON, 26.08.2024
04:00 EXHIBITION: Oberdeck #16 – Christof Neugebauer – „Maskarons“ or „Das apotropäische Spiegelbild“
06:00 PERFORMANCE Daniele Formica (St.A.i.R) – „Looking trough the skin of a Cherry“
07:00 OPENING CONCERT: „ORIGAMI“ – visual/ performative improvisational study
09:00 CONCERT GIK: Special Guest: Mia Dyberg (sax) hosted by Patrick Wurzwallner (drums) afterwards free session
TUE, 27.08.2024
04:00 LECTURE: Ivar Krizic – K.I. and Improvisation, Extending an Instrument
06:00 WORKSHOP: Cooky a.k.a. Catrin Manoli – „Skate or Cry“ – Solder piezo microphones and go shredding!
08:00 GATHERING: Lluís Martinez – „I´m no astronaut“
WED, 28.08.2024
05:00 LECTURE: Annette Giesriegl – The “free” space, an interactive lecture on freedom in relation to open improv sessions such as the “Gathering”
06:30 WORKSHOP: Martin Bous – „Resonance and Motion“
08:00 GATHERING: Café Witch – „Body and Voice“
THU, 29.08.2024
04:00 LECTURE: Christopher A. Williams – „Improvising Music from/with nothing: myths, realities, and the washtub bass“
05:30 WORKSHOP: Denovaire – „UTOPIA“ (Anmeldung unter
08:30 GATHERING: Bernadette Laimbauer – „Labour Leisure Pleasure Pressure“
FRI, 30.08.2024
05:00 EXHIBITION: Oberdeck #17: Jugend am Werk
07:00 CONCERT: Clementine Gasser (cello), Nick Acorne (elec)
08:00 CONCERT: „Polycrisis“, Jan Krizanic (dr), Kenji Herbert (git), Heinrich v. Kalnein (sax)
09:00 CONCERT: „Evil Joe“, Edith Steyer (clar), Vojta Drnek (acc), Kellen Mills (git)
SAT, 31.08.2024
07:00 CONCERT: STIO – Styrian Improvisers Orchestra feat. Maggie Nicols
08:30 PERFORMANCE: „Poli-klo-tische, Tanz with a little bit of Bullshit von Shahrzad Nazarpour“
09:30 AUDIO/VISUAL NOISE: „Dronišnica“ – Lan Štokelj Wu (mod. synth.), Simon Turnšek (mod. synth.), Oskar Kandare (vis.)
SUN, 01.09.2024
11:00 LECTURE: ART BRUNCH #89: Maggie Nicols – Interview & Book Presentation
03:00 WORKSHOP: Mascha Illich – D.I.Y. Synths mit C.V. Input (30 € Workshop fee)
05:00 Closing Session and Results of the Week
● JUGEND AM WERK (Workin´) during the week from 09:00 AM till 15:00 PM
● RADIO HELSINKI (Streamin´) Live broadcasts and broadcast of the concerts and gatherings
● SURF CITY das Rollfahrtkommando, (Rollin´) daily from 03:00 – 08:00 PM
● HAMZEH HASSAN (Cookin´) daily from 11:00 AM – 03:00 PM
Early Bird Pass € 25 until August 16
Festival Pass: 30 €
Per Evening: 7 €
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